Friday, December 10, 2010

The Importance Of Original Content When Marketing Online

There are so many programs and automated software out on the web that promises amazing articles. They will either write an article for you or take an article you have written and spin it into a unique article which you can submit to all the top article directories again. People are spending hundreds of dollars on these programs not understanding the power of a unique article. If you spend the time doing creating your own articles rather than having a spinner or creator do the work you are guaranteed better results. I understand that there are many people out on the web hoping to make money online without working every day, but article spinning is not the way to go. When you write your own content on a regular basis it will become easier and easier. One problem though is when people begin running out of ideas they don’t realize they need to be learning more about their niche so they have material for new unique articles.

The most common use of article spinning will be for a person’s internet marketing campaign. They will want articles they can submit to article directories. There are some lower class article directories that probably won’t actually read the entire article before publishing them. The problem with these article directories is they will not bring in the amount of publishers you need to succeed. If you tried to submit a spun article to one of the major article directories such as they would quickly decline the article. I find that with these top directories not only do they read the article they go as far as checking the links in the resource box making sure the links follow their guidelines. People don’t realize that a software program cannot write nearly as well as a person. Yes they can switch out sentences and words making the article look new, but they cannot make the article contain the same substance as a human written article. You may think that you can use the software to submit your spun articles to lower class article directories, but these directories will not have the same power in the search engines and will not help your article spread.

You may think that you cannot write unique articles consistently. This is a fear for many new webmasters and bloggers, but this is a unrealistic fear. Anyone can learn how to write articles on their niche if they are willing to practice. One important thing to do is read the publishers within your niche. The more you read the better your writing will become. You will learn how to express different ideas from these publishers. Spelling and grammar is another difficulty people struggle with including myself. They way I have overcome this is by using a quality word processor such as Microsoft Word. The great thing about writing for the web is quality writing is not determined by the level of technical writing skill, but rather the voice or personality of the writer.

If you would like to build links with your original content check out:

Free Traffic System - Increase Targeted Website Traffic with Free<br />Unlimited One Way Links

Thursday, December 9, 2010

List of Lenses and Article Directory Update

I know the title may be somewhat confusing, but what this post is about is giving a list of all my squidoo lenses which you may find helpful and letting you know I have updated my list of article directories. Anyway here is a link to the new improved updated List of Article Directories

Here is a list of my Squidoo Lenses:

Get Google Page One

The Easy Internet Business

Review Of Donnie Darko

Review Of The Mummy

How To Optimize A Brand New Website

Getting One Way Links

Learn Real Internet Marketing

Paid To Read Email

Paid To Take Surveys

Learn About Google Adsense

Room For Online Business Growth

Create an Online Business

Make Money Free and Avoid Scams

Put Google Adsense On Your Blog

Do Not Purchase SEO Services

Relationship Between Google And Backlinks

Expanding Your Online Business With Niche Websites

How To Market A Forum

Understanding Blog Readership

High Paying Surveys

Automated Blog Software

Top 10 Social Bookmarking Websites

How To Start A Forum

3 Ways To Increase Website Traffic

Finding Online Business Ideas

Well these are all of my little squidoo lenses and they range from every little side project I have ever wanted to create. I have done reviews on books I have read and movies I have watched. The majority are articles which were reformatted into a lens format then published on squidoo so you may recognize some of the work on these lenses. I would like to take note on how I use the lenses to market other lenses and use the RSS feed module to market this blog. Now for the majority of marketing I heavily rely on article directories which you can see at the very beginning of this post, but also the Free Traffic System

Free Traffic System - Increase Targeted Website Traffic with Free<br />Unlimited One Way Links