Friday, January 22, 2010

Gaining Multiple Links From One Source

A debate argued constantly by webmasters, but one that needs to be looked at seriously. When you begin building backlinks this will be one question you should ask yourself "will it help my site to acquire more than one backlink from this source?". Well my opinion is clear two backlinks from the same source is better than one as long as the source contains PR (Page Rank). I will admit that I still think that there rests importance in PR though it has little or nothing to do with SERPs (search engine result pages). PR is how Google decides the importance of a website and high SERPs position is given to the website which is optimized the best and acquires the most authoritative relevant backlinks.

The reason that most believe gaining two backlinks from the same source does not count is usually when a website allows more than one link they are a social media, blog, or forum. Single pages on these usually carry very low link juice and require quite a few backlinks before you will see improvement. Now the reason I have gone with more links to one source is valuable is because Google giving each URL it's own unique Page Rank and SERPs position. If you look at squidoo you will find an array of different pages ranking well for every different keyword under the sun they will also have many different page ranks. Personally I have two ranked well and one has a PR of 2 the other a PR of 1. They are in the same niche though are a bit different keyword wise. If I was in the make money niche and I saw these two pages pretty much standing alone search wise I would want to gain backlinks from them both even though they are both sub pages of

I have also seen this quite often in forum where a solid post can sometimes have more rank than the forum itself. If you gain one backlink from a websites home page and it is a PR of 2 then gain a backlink from a sub page of that website which has a PR of 4 don't you think that both of these links will be benificial to raising your SERP position or do you think Google will only give you credit for one and if so which one. I think that Google will give you link juice for both, but the only people who know for sure is Google.

Anyway thanks for reading I would like to know what you guys think please leave a comment.


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