Friday, December 25, 2009

Stay Caught Up On New Internet Marketing Concepts

One of the greatest challenges which faces webmasters today is the access of information concerning basic to advanced internet marketing. One thing is certain there is no one stop shop and internet marketing is a constantly changing process. This is not a bad thing (since there is no actual "degree") anyone can be an internet marketer. You will find around 90% of the webmasters/bloggers online today have no clue how to market a website and when it comes to SEO I would guess the number of ignorant grows. After reading this post you will not understand internet marketing, but you will know about several great sources which you can go to if you would like to learn quality internet marketing.

The first step which any up and coming internet marketer should take is joining forums which promote white hat ways of marketing and do no allow any ideas which will lead you to get banned. Personally the place which I learned how to market my websites and blogs is The other forum which I have gotten a few good marketing ideas is Digital Point which you can find by doing a Google search. The best thing about the forums is they allow you to ask the specific questions which you can not find answers to by doing a Google search.

After you have signed up for the forum and begin learning there it is time to move into the blogosphere. I must warn you remember about the 90% of the people online not knowing jack about internet marketing everyone of those people probably have blogs and are spurting out how to reach Google top 10. You will see such ideas such as stuffing keywords throughout your page, gaining links from anywhere, and all around bad ideas which will lead you to getting banned from Google's index. So before you begin trying what a blogger is teaching be sure you have a good idea of what will get you banned. Here is a page which will explain what not to do when marketing Black Hat Techniques. Now I would like to recommend some bloggers which I follow and know they do not promote bad ideas.

1. ProBlogger


3. SEO Book

4. Hubspot

5. Yaro's Blog

All of these guys post daily so that should be a good amount of reading. If you have found this blog useful then of course become a reader.

Another place which I have found very useful when I was trying to learn the basics of SEO is SEO Tutorial. If you have a website and are trying to learn any type of web code you can always rely on W3 Schools.

A couple of SEO tools which i use is:

1. Google Adwords Tool ~~ Which tells you the monthly search volume of any given keyword or keyterm.

2. SERPs Checker ~~ Which shows you the location of your website for any term up to 1000.

3. Google Insights Tells you the popularity of a keyterm over a long time period.

If you internet marketers are interested in solid affiliate programs to market I have many which I market on my website How To Make Money Online. They are all free to join which is huge when you are trying to get people to sign up anyway give them a look over and see if they would fit somewhere into your marketing campaign. Also the way which I gain many links is using The Free Traffic System.


  1. This is great to know and i will deginitely go for those ones and definitely follow those tools.great share.thanks!

  2. There are many ways and techniques that you can use in internet marketing...aside from forum posting, you can also do some link wheeling...I have tried creating link wheels before and it was indeed effective in helping me increase my site's ranking and popularity...hope to read more tips from you in the future.

  3. Thaks for the advice. I also like your links on the site, they are relevent.
