Sunday, February 14, 2010

Watch Your Little Green Bar

As everyone knows the Page Rank bar on your google tool bar is losing importance when it comes to direct impact on SERPs (search engine result pages). So why does Google keep that little green bar? Well it still is a major factor when trying to decide the importance of a single page. When I say watch your green bar I do not mean for your own site. I have learned from experiance that low PR high SEO'd web pages can fair much better in search engines. Especially if they pay attention to anchor text when building backlinks. So what can us as internet marketers use this little green bar for?

Well I think I have something which may be useful. I say we use the green bar to determine what a backlink will be worth. Let say you enjoy blog commenting and use this as a means of marketing. Well rather than comment on any post wait until you know what the posts PR is then comment on it. Now I think that the authority of a page is a mix between the place on Google SERPs and Page Rank. I am sorry if this post is a little jumbled I am just trying to put a new internet marketing tactic together one which I have never heard of. Anyway we need to find a page which you can post to or comment on which has a high PR and high SERPs position. I have been working with a few diffrent searches, but have not yet found the right kind. One of these searches which turned up in a complete bust was my search for the precious .edu link. I searched for "forums .edu". Now it worked great I found tons of .edu forums, but the problem was none of these forums were open to the public.

So I found a list of 1000 .edu blogs which I spent some time commenting on. Anyway it worked somewhat most the links were no follow though. Anyway what I propose is you go to google search for your keywords. You should have a list of 20-50 that have to do with your topic. I recommend going into advanced search and having Google list 100 sites at a time. Search for a term such as (if your niche is fishing) sucker fish or gold fish. Then pay close attention to the URLs under the titles. If you cross a blogger blog, wordpress, squidoo lense, ezine article, or any thing like it stop read the article and post a comment. A few things to look for is the pr of the post and the rank of the page. You should also be aware of how many other people posted comments on that post, lense, hub, or article.

I also recommend you look for diffrent ways to search google. I know of a "keywords" + "keyword luv" search. Also look for solid lists to find backlinks. If you find one bookmark it and go back over and over to gain good quality backlinks. I will give you one of mine since I have hundreds it is a do follow directory which has been growing quite a bit. It is a Do Follow Blog Directory.

Also if you want to make money visit my site Make Money Free and to see a list of my websites visit Kris Beus.


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