Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Page Rank Update June 23 2009

Hey guys, I just wanted to let everyone know there is an update happening as you can see this blog jumped to PR2 leave a comment I would like to hear if anyone else jumped. By the way thank you for helping with the links personally I have not had time since I have been working hard on my site http://makemoneyfree.comuv.com. Leave a comment if your PR changed.


  1. Two of my sites jumped from PR2 to PR4 one remained static.
    Seems like Google is updating its PR more frequently.

  2. I didn't quite get an increase for my home page but most my inner pages went up. :)

  3. Mod that is strange that you got a boost to your inner pages and not your home. Congrats though on the rise and keep building those backlinks. I thought is was a little weird that my social bookmarking post on this blog got PR2.

  4. Well my blog went from PR2 to PR3, however on the first update in 2009 I would have gotten an instant PR4, but Google decided to be evil and cut like 90% of my inlinks and left me with PR2. Oh well, I'm still satisfied.

  5. It's not too late to say congratulations, is it? What is your blog's page rank now? I have Google toolbar and it should show your page rank but it's not showing anything. Is their page rank checker button even working?
