Monday, July 20, 2009

New Ideas For Marketing Case Studies

Hey guys back for another post. This one is going to be a bit different since I will be taking several different ideas and using them in the creation of case studies. I would like to ask my readers if you have the time to try out and let me know how the marketing plans work. I am thinking about doing 5-10 and each should be done for at the least one month before any affect will be prevalent. Remember these are untested marketing plans I just want to put them down and give the webmaster community a chance at testing hopefully if you use one of these plans you will leave a comment on the effectiveness. Now onto the first marketing plan:

For the first one I want to go back to the basics nothing flashy just simple grind marketing. If you want to try this plan make sure to do everything on the list:

Week #1
2 Press Releases submitted to 10 diffrent free PR sites (which you can find under "my best posts in the side bar"

Open an account at Link Market and exchange 10 links with websites in your niche.

Read the complete SEO guide and follow recommendations at SEO Guy's Free SEO Tutorial

Estimated time= 10 hours
Estimated price= 0$

Week #2

It is article time. This week write 5 articles each between 500-1500 words and submit them to 10 directories. For a list use 450 Article Directories. Now when choosing the 4 that are mandatory are,,, and

For this week it is also important to find 5 blogs within your niche and begin commenting. Do not worry about do follow or no follow the reason for commenting is not for backlinks, but building the chance to guest post and letting the blogger get aquantied with your website or blog.

Estimated time= 20 hours
Estimated price= 0$

Week #3

This week is a little bit of spending. Buy a webcam and make 5 videos of you talking about your niche/website. The videos should be submitted to,, and Guys in terms of traffic it becoming a rival to the big sites such as and so they should be in your marketing plan period.

I also want you to find 5 more bloggers in your niche and write big comments that are VERY RELEVANT AND HELPFUL to the bloggers blog. This is the key to guest posting become helpful to the blogger and the blogger will ask if you want to guest post. (Make sure your site is relevant to the blog)

Estimated time= 15-20 hours
Estimated Price= $20.00-$100.00 depending on the price of webcam

Week #4

I think I have been a nice thus far it is time to really put in work. For this week I want 200+ backlinks and to do this blog commenting is key. Find do follow blogs using Do Follow Blog Directory and the Keyword Luv Search Engine. Now when commenting on Blogs take 2 hours daily on each blog comment on 5-15 posts. Meaning you will need to comment on at most 40 blogs and at least 14 depending on whether you choose to comment on 5 posts or 15 posts. The key to this is to get your posts published and to do this you must take the time to read the posts and leave a relevant comment. I want you to spend 30 hours purely reading and commenting on blogs this week this gives you a little less then ten minutes per post so read the majority of the post and leave a good comment about the blog. Try and make the comment over 100 characters so no "good post" or "thank" leave a GOOD comment.

Estimated time=30+ hours
Estimated price=$0

This is it. I hope one of you try this out and it works well for you. I will be racking my brain for new marketing plans and more than likely will come back and use these marketing plans over and over so I hope you do as well. Now with the blog commenting I want to give you a few examples of the types of comments which will get published and a couple comments that will get rejected "on this post".

Let's start with the rejected comments (that more than likely I will reject if they happen to land on this blog):
"Great Post"
"Good Post Thank You"
"I Like Your Article"
"I Like Your Post"
"Your Post Was Very Helpful To Me"

You see the similarity each comment could be posted with an auto commentor and has nothing to do with this post. Now here is the types of comments which I would publish:

"I like your marketing plan what do you think about social bookmarking?"
"This was not helpful your marketing plan only covered the basics"(though the commentor is not kissing my ass they actually read the post and had something to say about it)

"I tried your marketing plan and found blog commenting to be the most useful. What if in your next plan you got rid of some of the article submissions and replaced the time with blog commenting."-King of comments right there this type of comment will not only get published, but more than likely I will click on the link and see the commentors website. If you can leave these types of comments you will see not only tons of link luv, but also many guest post invitations. This type of comment is very interactive with the blog and really makes blogging worth blogging.

Anyways I hope you can see the diffrence if you would like to ask a question feel free to in the comments section. I will try my best to answer anyway thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. This is a nice marketing and SEO plan...I've tried some of the techniques you've mentioned above and mind you, they are indeed very effective...also you don't have to spend money in doing this marketing just need to put in your time and effort and surely you'll get the results you've been expecting.
