Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Twitter Week Post 3

Hey guys sorry I really didn't feel like doing a video kinda tired from marketing my website make money online. I just got into the top three for make money free, but I have already noticed certain website increasing their backlinks. Anyway onto the post.

If I remember correctly I was going to show my readers a directory which you can easily get 1000 followers all you have to do is be willing to follow first. The directory is I Follow Back. When I signed up with this directory there was only a few hundred people and now it has well over two thousand and growing daily. It is free to join and the only requirement to stay in is you must be willing to follow people that follow you. Now this directory is best for Internet marketing professionals. It will not help you find leads or people to network with, but if you would like others to perceive you know what your talking about it is excellent. If I hit a blog and the person has a twitter counter (one of the tools I will be showing you later this week)which only has a hundred or so people then I think the person really does not know much about marketing and I am much less likely to take anything that person has to say serious which includes if that person is trying to sale something to me. So it is important to have a large follower count if you would like your visitors to respect the work you have done as a marketer.

For this post the twitter tip I would like to offer any twerson is having the majority of their tweets non promotional. It is difficult when on twitter to not blast your link constantly, but you must remember that people do not like spam and it is very easy to loose followers so take the time each day and post a couple of tweets. It is also good to try and interact with the people you are following as well as the people that are following you so answer questions and offer advice I find quotes are fun and have a good chance to get re tweeted which can help expose you to a larger audience.

Anyway I hope this post helped you with your twitter account remember this is a do follow blog so if you would like a free backlink leave a comment please comment about the post and don't leave spam it will be rejected. Also if this blog has helped you I am in a very competitive niche and could use all the help I can get increasing backlinks so if possible give a backlink on your website or blog it is also helpful if you can reference me in a article or forum thanks for reading:)


  1. I too agree that it is very important to be non promotional when tweeting. The directory you mention is a good one.

  2. Please give me the details of the other two directories. Thanks in advance.

  3. yes this directory is great. I like it. Please share other directoris.

  4. I can't give all the resources for twitter week within one post or it would be twitter day rather than twitter week:)

  5. can i have details for other directories!.. cheers.
