One of the biggest mistakes that webmasters make when trying to make money online is not marketing towards their target audience and attempting to promote within their niche. When you create your website it is important to do research on the niche (category of website) that you are going to be joining. If you create a website within the fishing niche and spend all of your time within the webmaster niche your marketing efforts will be in vain. If you are willing to spend the time within your niche finding blogs, forums, and other web presence when you acquire backlinks from these websites they will be worth much more than backlinks acquired from non relevant websites. There are some exclusions when marketing which we will talk about later in this article, but for the majority of your internet marketing campaign you will want to stay within your category.
When seeking out different websites within your niche Google will become your best tool. I recommend finding at least 5 niche forums to participate in the reason for this is they give backlinks that are relevant as well as keep you informed of new information within your niche. You should also be on the lookout for the top blogs especially if they are do follow. Build a list of around 10 top blogs within your niche and begin commenting religiously in the attempt to build relationships with the bloggers. If you gain their trust and friendship it will not be a problem to find blogs to guest post on which could lead to a substantial amount of readers. If there are any news websites that cater around your niche keep them in your favorites so you know of any changes happening and if they allow you to submit press releases do so when you change your website and/or blog. One important point to remember is when you look at your competition and think partner rather than competitor marketing will be much easier.
Now there are quite a few general marketing platforms that every webmaster or blogger should be participating in. The first category of websites that all webmasters should be participating in is social networking. It is important for webmasters do be on websites such as twitter, digg, facebook, twine, and others. If you have been building relationships with webmasters in your niche when you digg one of your articles you should be able to rely on your online friends within your niche to digg the article as well. Another type of website that every webmaster can and should utilize is directories both article and general. These types of websites allow you to categorize your links into the most relevant category meaning that the link will be coming from a somewhat relevant link. It is good if google sees that your backlink is coming from a web page that has other backlinks of the same relevancy and the title of the web page is also relevant to your niche. If you have any questions about marketing within your niche feel free to ask on my Internet Marketing Forum.
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