Saturday, March 27, 2010

Expanding Your Online Business Presence

Make Money Online

One mistake that webmasters make is thinking that after the completion of their first website it will make enough to support their online needs. There are a few websites that I have seen which have enough to them to support not only one, but many different webmaster the problem is with most sole webmasters this is not enough. If you create a single blog or website that is of average size 40-50 pages and begin basic internet marketing you will find the restrictive nature of only having one presence. First off when trying to gain links to a specific post or the main home page you will have nowhere to turn, but if you set up a few squidoo lenses and hub pages finding a couple quick one way backlinks for your website becomes much easier. When you are out on the web internet marketing you will usually come across websites that are social and allow you to set up profiles. I have found these types of websites very beneficial when trying to grow an online brand. When you are trying to build a business online or brand you will need to be everywhere possible and really focus on hitting your target not only through SEO, but also social medias.

When webmasters attempt to expand their online business by the creation of more unique web presences they sometimes have no idea where to start. Some of the most common places that webmasters increase their online presence I suggested in the previous paragraph (squidoo and hubpages). If you market your online business with article marketing then you have noticed that the article websites usually want you to sign up. Usually you will be able to write a bio, add a picture, and on advanced article websites such as Ezine articles you will be able to add twitter link, facebook link, and a youtube link. You can only add these links if you are in the social online world and being social online these days is mandatory for any webmaster that wants to be successful.

If you are a webmaster, but have no online portfolio which includes social media then the four websites that you will want to begin building your social presence with are facebook, twitter, youtube (buy a twenty dollar web cam and talk about your niche), and big social bookmarking websites like digg. If you are new to the online social world you will find out quickly that if you spam you lose your social power. The best way to succeed with an online social brand building campaign is to interact and try to help, be funny, or unique. These three things are great for all the social presences that I listed previously and will help you succeed in your online business. Remember the most important thing to learn about being a webmaster is the only ones that fail are the ones that give up and if you would like to learn more about marketing your business feel free to visit this internet marketing forum.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy that you touched those points. I don't know why but most of the new webmasters just starts with the link exchange campaign and most of the time they have no idea what and how. Each day I'm having tons and tons of mails for a link exchange, some of them are not at all relevant to my site and some of them has no idea what is the links page is. Hope they all going to read this article before they take any actions. I will be back for more.
